Article: ADHD Children and Schedules
ADHD Children and Schedules
One of the corner stones of helping your child with ADHD is a consistent schedule and providing ample warning when a change to the schedule is coming.
We currently have a schedule of tasks that must happen each morning and evening. This consistency helps him get ready for the day and get ready for bed.
Here is the schedule we use:
6:30am - Wake Up and get dressed
6:40am - Breakfast
After Breakfast take Omega 3 and Vitamin Gummy
7:00am - Reading
7:10am - Brush Teeth
7:10am-7:20am - Play with Legos (if time)
7:20am - Yoga
7:30am - Walk to School
Evening Schedule:
5:45pm - Eat Dinner
After dinner take Omega 3
6:15pm - Family Game
6:35pm - Brush Teeth
6:40pm Bath
6:55pm - Night time Story