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Nourishing Minds: A Balanced Diet for Children with ADHD

Nourishing Minds: A Balanced Diet for Children with ADHD

Nourishing Minds: A Balanced Diet for Children with ADHD

Nourishing Minds: A Balanced Diet for Children with ADHD

By prioritizing zinc-rich foods, omega-3 fatty acids, eliminating dairy and gluten, and staying hydrated with plenty of water, parents and caregivers can support children with ADHD in achieving bet...

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Parenting Strategies for building Social Skills in Children with ADHD

Parenting Strategies for building Social Skills in Children with ADHD

Children and teens with ADHD often face social struggles that can lead to misunderstandings and challenges in forming friendships. These difficulties, ranging from dominating conversations to strug...

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A step forward

A step forward

This weekend reminded me why we worked so hard the last few years.  After a year of therapies and household changes, we can trust that he won’t have a melt down and if he does get frustrated, he h...

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Communicating with your Child's teacher when they have ADHD

In the classroom, the best thing you can do for your child is have an open line of communication with their teacher.    Understanding how your child is doing at school and what activities caused th...

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ADHD and Timers

At school or at home, utilizing timers to help an ADHD child get and stay on task can be extremely helpful.  Using timers takes the ambiguity out of a task for an ADHD child.  They know they will h...

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Why did we start a nutrition and coaching company around ADHD?

Our son, Jenson, struggled throughout pre school with explosive outbursts. It got to the point that he was only able to be in pre school for half a day because he would have a blow up at some point...

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ADHD Children and Schedules

One of the corner stones of helping your child with ADHD is a consistent schedule and providing ample warning when a change to the schedule is coming.     We currently have a schedule of tasks that...

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